hey, I'm CHARLEE

I'm a professional organizer and life-coach who believes that creating a partnership helps you discover what's best for your household.

My story really began the moment I realized incorporating my organizing and coaching skills could lead to a more profound client experience. 

i had no idea at the time... 

I'm Charlee, a Georgia-based Professional Organizer and Life Coach.  I started providing residential organizing services in 2006.  In the early days of my business, I would focus on making clients physical space appealing.  Each time I worked with a new client, they would explain their struggles with organizing and their feelings of giving up.   Then I would notice at the end of my service, after creating organizing or productivity solutions, their stress and anxiety levels would diminish. 

Then I hit this really Pivotal moment where i wanted to change direction, offer a new approach.

Although I really enjoyed the look on my client's faces once I completed a project, I had a real desire to change direction.  I wanted to normalize working  with clients in a different way.  Creating an environment for clients to use their own insights and beliefs. 

That was the exact moment it all changed for me. When I started collaborating with my clients, helping them to realize their potential in their organizing story...

Ask Charlee was created as a platform for clients to learn to develop on-going habits for organizing their time and space.  The integrated organizing and coaching experience is an opportunity to develop a partnership.  My primary goal is to work with you!!! For you to understand what intimidates your organizing and productivity processes and to hold a space for you and your new opportunities.

Working with people 
is my passion

all about


Straight talk,
hearty laughs,
short emails, 
helping you find
your superpower


not about

bandaid fixes,
being judgmental,
that burnout culture

the daily life

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate 

— oprah winfrey